Rehva Guidebooks

Indoor Climate and Productivity in Offices


How to integrate productivity in life-cycle cost analysis of building services. This REHVA guidebook shows for the first time how to quantify the effects of indoor environment on office work, and also how to include these effects in the calculation of building costs. This is a concerted effort of researchers, engineers and ractitioners. Such calculations have not been performed previously, as very little data was available on this issue. In recent years more and more information has become available on this topic. This information has been reviewed during the present work to find out whether there is solid scientific evidence that the indoor environmental quality affects office work.

The quantitative relationships presented in this guidebook can be used to calculate the costs and benefits of running and operating the building, as illustrated by several examples. One of the aims of these examples is to emphasize that the costs of running the building are much lower than the benefits from improved office work obtained by reducing temperatures or improving of indoor air quality. This is further presented in the guidebook by comparing the typical costs of wages, and typical energy and operation costs. The main purpose of the guidebook is to increase the awareness of building owners and practitioners to indoor environmental quality and its importance for office work. This is attempted by showing how large profits can be obtained from fairly small investments. Examples on how to convince the client in practice are given.





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